
With over 20 years of industry experience, we can offer you innovative & professional lighting products or designs at reasonable prices. We offer a full range of lighting solutions, so look no further for both impressive and functional show equipment and lighting effects. As both a manufacturer and international OEM distributor of quality lighting products, we believe that we offer the best value products and after sales support to our clients. All our products go through accurate testing to ensure trouble-free operation before delivery. Our service and technical teams are always ready to help, offering 24-hour support. Technicians are available to answer your questions or solve problems, quickly and professionally. If you have any questions, require a quote, or want to buy a product, please contact us.

We are searching for dynamic partners in each country. By becoming our partner you will have our best support and immediate solution for all technical problems.

Hi-line lighting mission:
Our research and development department is constantly looking for new technology to offer our clients a wide range of professional lighting at competitive prices.

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DMX512 RGB PWM Led Controller

Address: John Kennedy, Kanika 7, Shop 4H,
Limassol, Other
Cyprus, 54718

Tel: 00357-25-814106
Fax: 00357-25-585075


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