WiFi GSM CDMA 3G Full-Band Wireless Cell Phone Signal Jammer with 14 Antenna Jammer,CPJX14 - CPJX14
WiFi GSM CDMA 3G Full-Band Wireless Cell Phone Signal Jammer with 14 Antenna Jammer,CPJX14 For Sale, Most Competitive Price, Fast Delivery, Custom Service, Wholesale WiFi GSM CDMA 3G Full-Band Wireless Cell Phone Signal Jammer with 14 Antenna Jammer,CPJX14, Made in China, High Quality Products!, China Signal Blocker, rf jammer Supplier, Manufacturer.WiFi GSM CDMA 3G Cell Phone Signal Blocker, Full-Band Wireless Cell Phone Signal Jammer with 14 Antenna Jammer,CPJX14
1.CDMA 800 :850 to 894MHz
2.GSM 900: 925 to 960MHz
3.DCS/PCS: 1805 to 1990MHz
4.3G: 2110 to 2170MHz
5.GPSL1: 1570 to 1580MHz
6.GPSL2-L5: 1170 to 1230MHz
7.WIFI 2.4G: 2400 to 2500MHz
8.VHF: 135 to 174MHz
9.UHF: 400-470MHz
10.4G Wimax:2620 to 2690MHz
11.4G LTE:790 to 826MHz
12.Lojack: 167-175MHz
13.RF 315MHz
14.RF 433MHz
All in One with 14 bands frequencies
Good cooling system with 5 cooling fans inside
Low noise
Can adjust or turn off any single band without influencing the other bands operation
Work non-stopped
Stable capability
Could be used in car directly,With car charger.
Total output power: 35W Jamming range: up to 20-70 m.
Full set weight: 7.0kg
Power supply: 50 to 60Hz, 100 to 240V AC
With AC adapter (AC100-240V-DC12V)
Application Area:
1.it can be applied at meeting rooms, conference rooms, museums, galleries, theaters, concert halls, churches, temples, restaurants, classrooms, training centers, factories, banks, trains, bus and more
2.For some locations of special purpose such as hospitals, gas stations and more, Please do field test first to make sure no interference happened to the normal operation of their equipment and instrument
Warranty: One year from delivery date.
Multi-functional Jammer x 1
AC adaptor x 1
Car adaptor x 1
Antenna x 14
Type: GPS, Wifi, 4G, LoJack/XM, UHF/VHF, RF Jammers, Phone Jammers
Jammer Effective Radius Range: 50-80 meters
Frequency Cell Phone: CDMA 850-894MHz, GSM 925MHz-960MHz, DCS 1805MHZ-1880MHZ, 3G 2110MHZ-2185MHZ
Frequency 4G: 4G LTE 725-785MHZ, 4G Wimax 2620-2690MHz
Frequency GPS: GPSL1:1500-1600MHz, GPSL2:1220-1230MHz, GPSL5:1170-1180MHz
Frequency WIFI: WiFi 2.4G:2400MHz-2450MHz
Frequency RF: Radio Frequency 315MHz, Radio Frequency 433MHz
Frequency UHF/VHF: VHF 135MHz-175MHz, UHF 400MHz-470MHz
Frequency LoJack and XM radio: Lojack:160MHz-175MHzXM
ShenZhen Necom Telecommunication Technologies Co,.ltd
Address: 6Th Floor No.4 Buliding Heng Chang Rong HighTech Times Industrial Garden Shi Yan Street BaoAn District ShenZhen Guangdong, China P.R., Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, 518018
Tel: 0086-0755-28968485
Vodasafe Jammer Store does its best to provide our customers with the high quality devices to jam the signals of cell phone as well as frequencies of other devices.The technology of all our cell phone jammers and cell phone signal blocker made in China,our factory ahere by "quality first, the customer first, the credibility of the first" purpose to cooperate and do business with our customers,we are pleased to hear and use customers suggestions to develop some newest jammer per customer requirements to meet the market demands.we are specialized in this field for many years, it means that all our cell phone jammers for sale have the highest quality, best specifications and first class services on the market.That's why we are not afraid to provide 1 year warranty on our cell phone scramblers and mobile phone jamming equipment,because we are absolutely sure that these devices will be used by you without any problems.So pls contact us to get more details on possible threats and protection measures against them.Once you have a cell phone jammer in hand,it can solve the problems for tracking,protecting our privacy,avoiding to bother by cell phone,wifi,gps and ect.Our website is www.vodasafe.com
Vodasafe signal blocker store does its best to provide customers with a quality singal blocker devices to block different signals, such as 2g 3g wifi,4g, gps and etc, we could supply different style signal jammer, such as bomb jammer, phone jammer, prison jammer, so, please contact us at vodasafe@hotmail.com www.vodasafe.com
Vodasafe jammer store provide customers with a quality signal blocker devices to block different signals.