The difference between circulating pump and feed pump

Circulating water pump
In the closed loop of the heating system or air conditioning water system, the circulating pump is not the water mentioned high, but the water is cycled in the system, overcoming the resistance loss of the loop, and the height of the building is not directly related, so it is called the circulating pump.
The function of the circulating pump is to continuously provide a large amount of circulating water to the pump. The operation of the circulating pump and the supply of circulating water is sufficient, which seriously affects the safe and effective operation of the pump. The circulating water of the circulating pump can also be used for the supplementary water and cooling water of other machinery in the thermal power plant.
Boiler feed pump
Boiler pump is also known as boiler feed pump, generally divided into two types of motor and steam turbine drag. The motor can use AC motor, so the speed of the boiler feed pump is constant, and the boiler feed water regulation is adjusted by throttling.
Boiler feed pump has a very important role, known as the heart of heat circulation. The feed pump can pump out hot water and raise a certain pressure to continuously send water to the boiler.