Shoes Sole Bending Resist Testing Machine

Shoes Sole Bending Resist Testing Machine
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Bennewart Flex Tester is used to test outsole flexing resistance by flexing the outsole at a certain speed and angle. The shoe outsole flexing method aims to check the effect of sole materials and surface patterns on cut growth. This whole sole flexing tester methods meet ISO 20344, ISO 17707, DIN 53543 and etc.

This EN Sole Flexing Tester bennewart flexing machine is used to measure the flexing resistance of shoe soles under continuous movement. Before test, plunge some holes at the maximum bending position, and mount specimen at both grips, one fixed, one movable. Specimen runs flexing owing to the movement of machine. After a certain test cycles, remove the specimen and check its difference of incision length.

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