Protective clothing Splash Spray Liquid Thickness Tester

Protective clothing Splash Spray Liquid Thickness Tester

Protective clothing Splash Spray Liquid Thickness Tester
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Protective clothing splash spray liquid thickness tester do the test to the manikin model which wears the indication and protecting clothing. Spray the solution to the productive clothing on manikin or human, check the internal surface of protective clothing or the external surface of indication clothing on manikin or human. Through compare with the standard contamination area, judge whether the productive clothing meeting requirement.

This instrument can test the splash spray liquid thickness of water  adsorption material made indication clothing.  Judge the  splash spray thickness by the dirt area on indication clothing.
GB 24540-2009《protective clothing against liquid acids and alkalis 》Appendix D
ISO 6529-2013  Protective clothing-protection against chemicals-determination of  resistance of  protective clothing materials  to permeation by liquids and gases.  
BS EN 463-1995  Protective clothing-protection against liquid  chemicals- Test method determination of resistance to penetration by a jet of liquid (Jet test) 
BS EN 468-1995  Protective clothing– protection against liquid chemicals, performance requirements for chemical protective clothing with spray-tight connections between different parts of the clothing.
Special manikin(   unique splash spray use special manikin,  beautiful appearance)
Constant speed turn table  made of waterproof material, spray time can preset, automatic count.
 Whole set protection system surround the machine completely, ensure the lab sanitary and operator safe.

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