PreLam Sheet - No.1-1
PreLam Sheet For Sale, Most Competitive Price, Fast Delivery, Custom Service, Wholesale PreLam Sheet, Made in China, High Quality Products!, China prelam sheet, pvc inlay, inlay prelam, passive prelam, smart card prelam, smart card inlay, China, suppliers, manufacturers, wholesale, cheap, Supplier, Manufacturer.ChipEM4200Frequency125KHzSize85.6*54.5mmAntenna?TypeCopper?CoilRead?Range2-5cmMaterialPVCBrief Introduction:This is PreLam sheet of PVC card,Website:, also called middle material. Some factories can buy it for processing in-house.
Get QuoteShenzhen Trustags Smartlabel Technology Co., Ltd LP
Address: 2/F,Building 2,Technology Innovation Centre,, hangzhou, zhejiang, China, 311400
Tel: 86-0571-23230005
Our factory is specialized for cosmetic packaging聽for more than 8聽years,Website:,
Now we have
1 factory for glass cosmetic bottle coating,the capacity can be 100,000pcs/day.
1 factory for Acrylic plastic cosmetic bottle,the capacity can be 5000pcs/day.
1 factory for PET plastic cosmetic bottle,the capacity can be 5000pcs/day.
We had got the pass of Aupres certification,SGS,ISO9000,ISO14000.
Our customer including L'oreal,Aupres,Shiseido,Osmun,Jala and so on.
We are under the principle of honesty to the world,
Welcome everybody for cooperate!