HengCheng Beaded Bags factory - h-0061
HengCheng Beaded Bags factory For Sale, Most Competitive Price, Fast Delivery, Custom Service, Wholesale HengCheng Beaded Bags factory, Made in China, High Quality Products!, China Beaded Handbags, 珠袋 Supplier, Manufacturer.We are madding the Beaded Handbags, Knitted Beaded Bags, Framed Bags, Bead-embroidery bag, Hard-shell Bags, Evening Bags, any-other Beaded handicrafts products, Beaded bags manufacturer and supplier from China.
If you are looking for something special, please feel free to contact our customer service department.
Welcome to visit our factory show room websit: www.hcvip.com
Heng Qi Cheng eveningbags factory
Address: hong sheng businese city, heng feng street 68, xi cha road, Guang Zhou, Guang Zhou, Guangdong, China, 510600
Tel: 86-20-36498015
Heng Qi Cheng Eveningbags (handicrafts) Factory look forward to cooperation partner|www.ieveningbag.com
Merry Chen
Mobile: 13725419972
E-mail: hcvip8@163.com hcvip8@126.com
MSN: gzcym8@msn.com
QQ: 303018140
Web: www.ieveningbag.com
Tel: (8620)36473760 Fax::(8620)36473760
Office Addr: hong sheng businese city, heng feng street 68, xi cha road, Guang Zhou
What is our products?
We are madding the Beaded Handbags, Knitted Beaded Bags, Framed Bags, Bead-embroidery bag, Hard-shell Bags, Evening Bags, any-other Beaded handicrafts products, Beaded bags manufacturer and supplier from China.
If you are looking for something special, please feel free to contact our customer service department.
Welcome to visit our factory show room websit: www.ieveningbag.com