Fabric Textile Martindale Abrasion and Pilling Tester
The iso 12945 2 martindale abrasion and pilling tester instrument is professionally designed to determine the abrasion and pilling resistance of all kinds of textile structures.
Samples are rubbed against known abradents at low pressures and in continuously changing directions and the amount of abrasion or pilling is compared against standard parameters.
Provided with Touch Screen Controller and unique programming device which includes preprogammable batch and totaliser counters, individual station counters, 4 selectable test speeds with liquid crystal display.
Test piece of fabric is placed in the specimen clamp, and it will be rubbed against with abradant in a Lissajous figure. According to the requirement, once the test piece is broken, test piece should be taken down to calculate its abrasion resistance index, or evaluate its rating of pilling through the visual description.