Ester alcohol
coalescing agent
Price: USD900/MT
Dodecyl alcohol ester has many advantages, good resin compatibility, small amount, low film forming temperature, good film leveling, good color distribution, low freezing point, better hydrolysis stability, low toxicity, is an excellent latex paint film forming additives, especially suitable for a variety of methacrylate, styrene, vinyl acetate as raw materials and synthetic emulsion, latex paint, adhesive and other water-based coating system
Dodecyl alcohol ester has many advantages, good resin compatibility, small amount, low film forming temperature, good film leveling, good color distribution, low freezing point, better hydrolysis stability, low toxicity, is an excellent latex paint film forming additives, especially suitable for a variety of methacrylate, styrene, vinyl acetate as raw materials and synthetic emulsion, latex paint, adhesive and other water-based coating system