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Address: The Second Ring Road 37,ShiLing,HuaDu, guangzhou, guangdong, China, 510800
Tel: 00086-138-2609-0877
KingCamry Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer of metal accessory. We have various products with new designs and high quality, The most important thing
is we have very good prices. Our main product:bag buckle,pin buckle,belt buckle,fashion buckle,metal buckle,rhinestone buckle,alloy buckle,shoe
buckle,west buckle,bag hanger,handle,ring,rivet,bag accessory,wheel,bag feet,eyelet,fastener,bag leg,bag ornament,bag part,zipper puller,zipper
slider,zipper pull,nylon zipper,metal zipper,rhinestone zipper,diamond zipper,d ring,o ring,square ring,diamond ring,wheel,metal ring,metal loop,alloy
ring,d-ring,o-ring,square-ring,metal label,logo,dog tag,key tag,alloy medal,car logo,bag tag,metal badge,metal medal,metal coin,gold coin,army tag,metal
tag,rhinestone buckle,rhinestone ring,diamond buckle,diamond label,rhinestone logo,rhinestone eyelet,rhinestone hook,rhinestone tag,bag lock,case
lock,luggage lock,metal lock,alloy lock,rhinestone lock,diamond lock,suitcase lock,padlock,snap hook,key hook,bag hook,metal hook,clothes hook,spring
hook,handbag hook,steel hook,luggage hook,rhinestone hook,zipper head,rhinestone ring,swivel hook,turn lock,press lock,handbag clasp,snap clasp,key
clasp,bag clasp,metal clasp,bag clasp,spring clasp,swivel clasp,luggage clasp