Actavis Cough Syrup CAS NO.132131-24-9 - CAS NO.132131-24-9
Actavis Cough Syrup CAS NO.132131-24-9 For Sale, Most Competitive Price, Fast Delivery, Custom Service, Wholesale Actavis Cough Syrup CAS NO.132131-24-9, Made in China, High Quality Products!, China Actavis Cough Syrup , Actavis Cough Syrup low price Supplier, Manufacturer.
We are wholesale distributors of Premium quality purple cough syrup. 16 oz, 32oz. We stock also pain killers pills.
Tracking number provided after each shipping. Reference available. Worldwide shipping
Color available: Red and Purple
Shenghua Industry Co.,Ltd
Address: Zhongshan road, jinan, Shandong, China,
Tel: 89+0311-89087389
We have trade the chemicals for many years.
Mainly export all kinds of chemical products, As follows:
Pharmaceutical intermediates: FUB-PB22锛?F-APB锛孉BP锛孉BF锛孉BC锛孨M2201锛孍G018锛孍G2201锛孍T锛孉-PBP锛孉-PVP锛孎UBAKB48锛?FUBAKB48锛孎AB144锛?FAMB锛孧MB2201锛?CMC锛?3CMC锛?AMA锛孭V8锛孭V9锛孭V10锛孭V11锛孧MB-Chminaca 锛孉Z037锛?Acetylfentany锛?-MAPB,AH-7921锛孧11,5F-ABC锛孯0-8锛宎-PVT锛孧ethallylescaline,SDB-006锛?F-SDB006锛?F-PV8锛?-Meo-PV8锛?F-PV9锛?Meo-PV9锛?F-PBP锛孌ibutylone锛孊utylone,pentylone etc..