4BMC CAS NO.486459-03-4 - CAS NO.486459-03-4
4BMC CAS NO.486459-03-4 For Sale, Most Competitive Price, Fast Delivery, Custom Service, Wholesale 4BMC CAS NO.486459-03-4, Made in China, High Quality Products!, China supply 4-bmc, 4-bmc /4cmc Supplier, Manufacturer.
Product Name: 4-BMC
CasNo: 486459-03-4
Appearance: big white crystal and
Application: For Lab Research
DeliveryTime: 1-2days
PackAge: 1kg/ Aluminum foil bag packaging
Port: Shanghai,Nanjing,Hongkong
ProductionCapacity: 300kgs / Month
Purity: above 99.5%
Storage: Keep away from fire and heat source;he...
Transportation: Fast and reliable shipment , using courier
LimitNum: 10g
Shenghua Industry Co.,Ltd
Address: Zhongshan road, jinan, Shandong, China,
Tel: 89+0311-89087389
We have trade the chemicals for many years.
Mainly export all kinds of chemical products, As follows:
Pharmaceutical intermediates: FUB-PB22锛?F-APB锛孉BP锛孉BF锛孉BC锛孨M2201锛孍G018锛孍G2201锛孍T锛孉-PBP锛孉-PVP锛孎UBAKB48锛?FUBAKB48锛孎AB144锛?FAMB锛孧MB2201锛?CMC锛?3CMC锛?AMA锛孭V8锛孭V9锛孭V10锛孭V11锛孧MB-Chminaca 锛孉Z037锛?Acetylfentany锛?-MAPB,AH-7921锛孧11,5F-ABC锛孯0-8锛宎-PVT锛孧ethallylescaline,SDB-006锛?F-SDB006锛?F-PV8锛?-Meo-PV8锛?F-PV9锛?Meo-PV9锛?F-PBP锛孌ibutylone锛孊utylone,pentylone etc..