4 wheel mixer - cm350-4w
4 wheel mixer For Sale, Most Competitive Price, Fast Delivery, Custom Service, Wholesale 4 wheel mixer, Made in China, High Quality Products!, China concrete mixer, mortar mixer Supplier, Manufacturer.We are leading supplier of light construction machinery & equipments & power tools.
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Our web: #materialfair
Contact E-Mail: tom#materialfair
Suzhou (China) sunshine hardware & equipment co.,ltd
Address: 702-703 SUNNY WORLD BUILDING, NO. 199 SHISHAN ROAD,Suzhou 215011 China, suzhou, Jiangsu, China, 215011
Tel: 0086-512-68188029
We are leading supplier of light construction machinery & equipments & power tools.
Know more about us though:
Our web: www.materialfair.com
Contact E-Mail: tom@materialfair.com
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