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Gaggia Unica Super Automatic Espresso Machine

Espresso Machine


Initial Heat Up time
Seconds 40
Coffee Temp at Outlet (Fahrenheit)
1st Shot 179
Average Range 187
Coffee Temp in Cup (Fahrenheit)
Average Range 166
Steaming times (in sec to 160 f)
Time to Produce Steam 16
4 oz 43
Sound Level
Brewing (db) 50
Grinding (db) 74
Drip Tray
Max Volume (oz) 5 oz.



note: 2 year warranty on NEW machines only!

Created with ease-of-use and convenience in mind, the Gaggia Unica is equipped with everything you need to go from bean to

cup. It has automated grinding, tamping and brewing capabilities as well as has a straight-forward interface perfect for

home use. Reasonably priced, the Unica makes the most of its small footprint, integrating solid features such as a ceramic

burr grinder, 15 bar pump, swivel base, removable brew group and Pannarello steam wand. This well-rounded espresso machine

actually shares the same internal components as the high-end Gaggia Platinum line; at a fraction of the price, the Unica is

recommended for value-conscious coffee lovers.

We recommend using only light to medium roasted coffee beans for best Unica grinder performance. Dark roasts with more

surface oil on the bean, or oily beans in general tend to inhibit the grinder performance. Do not use Starbuck& acute;s Dark Roast,

or the rebranded Starbuck& acute;s Dark Roast like Pete& acute;s and Kirkland Dark Roast Coffees in the Unica. The surface oils on Dark

Roast beans will certainly cause the grinder to jam and fail.

Espresso Machine, Espresso maker,

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Coffee Makers, Espresso Machines, Grinders

Address: JL. KP. Tendean No. 62-64,
Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan
Indonesia, 70231

Tel: +62 511 23655569
Fax: +62 511 23666692


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