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Stop Muscle Wasting Steroid Hormone Bold Ace Boldenone Acetate Stop Muscle Wasting Steroid Hormone Bold Ace Boldenone Acetate

Bold Ace


Stop Muscle Wasting Steroid Hormone Bold Ace Boldenone Acetate
CAS NO.:2363-59-9
Molecular Formula: C21H28O3
Molecular Weight: 328.45
EINECS: 219-112-8
Packing:Packed in Aluminum Foil Seal Bag
Due to a different ester attached to it,boldenone acetate is popularly called & quot;short acting Equipoise.& quot;
In fact, it is a veterinary steroid that is most known for use in horse racing, and it has never been
approved for human use.However, boldenone acetate is a somewhat widespread injectable anabolic
steroid among bodybuilders.Like all anabolic steroids, boldenone acetate does have a tendency to
cause a rise in red blood cell count, so it is a good idea to run such cyclesupport supplements as
N2Guard, as well as give blood before and after cycle to help thin out blood in the body.Since
boldenone acetate has a shorter ester than the undecylenate version, you can shorten the cycle to get
faster results without having to wait for weeks.they improved their endurance on this compound, had
low side effects, and were able to add some mass and strength in the process.

China Boldenone Acetate steriod hormone, China steriod for muscle gaining,

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Osland Chemicals Limited

Steriods, hormone, body building, muscle gaining, HGH

Address: NO.709,Jiangnan South Road,Haizhu District,Guangzhou,China,
Guangzhou, Guangdong

Tel: 0086-20-87601258


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