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Urine collection cup



Unique Urine Collection Cup is designed with labeling technology: used to collect, transfer and store urine specimen in lab, making the whole operation process CONVENIENT, SANITARY and SAFE.

1.Use: for urine specimens collection, transportation, storage and handling. Collecting other body fluid specimen with this cup is not recommended.

2.Structure: This cup consists of inert plastic cup, cover with two collection holes (a round hole and an elliptical hole), top label.

3.Specification: 50ml,120ml.......

4.Features: Unique urine collection holes covered by sticking label (a round hole and an elliptical hole) make urine collecting and transferring convenient, sanitary and safe. This special designed container can prevent outer substance and bacteria contaminating urine specimen and urine spilling, which maximally avoids the risk of contacting pathogenic urine specimen by patient and medial people. The label showing patient name and bed No. is easy to tear and re-seal.

Urine collection cup, Urine cup,

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Chengdu RICH Science Industry Co.,Ltd.

Vaccum blood collection tub, Single-use blood collection needles, Blood Culturing Bottle, Stain Series, Culture Media,Urine cup, stool collection container

Address: No.66 Tianqindong Street, West Hi-Tech Development Zone, Chengdu, P.R.C. 611731 ,
Chengdu, Sichuan
China, 611731

Tel: +86-28-66679713
Fax: +86-28-66679716


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